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PEET Interfaces & Visualization


  • Data import from MS Excel or MATLAB workspace
  • Customizable MS Excel reports
  • Figure export in typical formats (.fig, .png, .jpeg, .pdf, .bmp)
  • Script-based execution using MATLAB scripts simplifies integration into tool chains


  • Error signal analysis and requirement compliance in dedicated tree view that represent the system/requirement structure
  • Various plot types for probability densities, probability function, correlation and power spectra
The Budget Tree View: Analysing error signal properties
The Budget Tree View: Analysing error signal properties
The Breakdown Tree View: Checking compliance with requirements
The Breakdown Tree View: Checking compliance with requirements
Exemplary: Spectral budget versus requirement function
Exemplary: Spectral budget versus requirement function
Exemplary: Statistical “3-Sigma” requirement with resulting budget contribution on x-,y-,z-axes and line-of-sight and corresponding probability density functions
Exemplary: Statistical “3-Sigma” requirement with resulting budget contribution on x-,y-,z-axes and line-of-sight and corresponding probability density functions

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Excel is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.