SOS®Sparse Optimization SuiteThis is High Performance for High DemandIf you truly want to exploit the processor power provided by today's PCs, you need software, which is made for this purpose. When it comes to optimization, more and more specialists rely on SOS, the Sparse Optimization Suite developed by John Betts and his team from Applied Mathematical Analysis, LLC. (AMA). As their distributor we offer you a product that opens a new dimension in optimization. Unmatched CapabilitiesSOS is a general-purpose software for solving optimization problems. Optimal control, like for trajectories, chemical processes and machine tool path definition, as well as parameter estimation and data fitting (see additional applications) are core capabilities of the optimizer with its NLP-solvers SNLPMN and SBRNLP. To name some of the highlight features of SOS:
These features will make your solution converge in shorter time. And in several cases they will enable computations that had not been possible before. Not only are these valuable capabilities, but they are efficient and reliable. Exploiting sparsity SOS has proven to be able to converge on problems with more than 100,000 variables and constraints. This commercial tool is a business solution developed by a reliable partner and continuously enhanced and supported. SOS for GESOP/ASTOS or stand-aloneIf you are GESOP/ASTOS user already and have come to the conclusion you want to use SOS to optimize your existing problems. Or if you want to have this optimizer available for new challenges you will run into in the future, please, contact us right away to find out more about purchase conditions. We also offer SOS as a stand-alone product. Find out more about licensing and pricing! |